There are several challenges facing enterprises and the healthcare sector today. Increasing patient demands and the retention of capable employees in other companies requires technological intervention. Clear communication and collaboration can solve several problems, for which Tazcom provides products and solutions from industry-leading vendors like Ascom. Ascom is an innovative platform, an all-in-one solution for all your organizational communication needs. Enjoy better mobile workflow for the wealth of benefits it delivers to companies.
Tazcom & Ascom
Tazcom is known for providing unified communications (UC) products and solutions under one domain. Ascom has healthcare and enterprise platforms for higher productivity, safety, and enhanced customer satisfaction. Their product portfolio services various industries, including healthcare, retail, industry, and hospitality. Fulfil all your communication needs here.
Why Ascom?
Ascom is a global technology company delivering mobile workflow solutions. They unify a company’s communication needs into a single solution. Ascom aspires to minimize digital information loopholes that could pave the way for better decision-making. They boast a complete products and solutions portfolio and architecture that achieve seamless integration and efficient workflow throughout the organization.
Ascom has a range of solutions that foster communication and collaboration for the healthcare sector and enterprises. Their range of smartphones is built to keep up with high-paced, competitive workplace environments. They provide complete interoperability with various UC platforms and leading business and healthcare applications.
The Ascom healthcare platform is an all-in-one communication platform built to Ascom’s revolutionary healthcare communications solutions standards. It ensures communication between nurses, doctors, and patients, producing better patient outcomes and lowering organizational costs.
The Importance Of Integrated Workflow
Workflow integration is central to the success of any business or industry. It ensures greater efficiency among various workflow processes, mitigating IT work and costs. This allows companies to reduce labour costs and boost workplace revenue. Ascom’s integrated workflow solution allows workflow automation, reducing the time and energy staff (especially in hospitals) spend on repetitive tasks. This improves employee motivation and hence, productivity.
Ascom provides integrated, end-to-end solutions that offer complete interoperability with existing medical applications and devices for smooth integration and minimal disruption. Improve organization safety, especially in hospitals reporting incidents of violence.
Given the high incidence of human error in non-integrated workflows, an integrated workflow system can achieve greater operational efficiency and hence, a reduced need for remediation efforts. Enjoy seamless workflow integrations that significantly improve the company’s performance and overcome the fundamental problems plaguing the healthcare industry today.
Ascom Products and Solutions
- Mobile devices and accessories
- Clinical software
- Enterprise-grade voice solutions
- Healthcare platform
Benefits of Ascom Integrated Systems
- The Ascom healthcare system can easily integrate into multiple mobile devices, EMR systems and medical devices
- Leverage enterprise-level communication and collaboration
- Ensure greater safety throughout the organization for high-security spaces
- Complete interoperability with existing IT systems and infrastructure
- Ascom’s integrated systems are scalable to meet your business’s growing needs
Contact Us For More, Or Visit Ascom